Serre Besson receives a “Coup de Coeur” from French quarterly “LeRouge&leBlanc” and Wins the Gold Medal at Millésime Bio 2023 Noun : coup de cœur m (informal) top choice, select choice, favorite, top pick avoir un coup de cœur pour quelque chose ― to fall in love with something Domaine Serre Besson receives warm accolades as a “favorite” from the independent, collective-run, ad-free wine magazine. LeRouge&leBlanc was created 35 years ago with the goal of “defending local wines threatened by toxic practices”. Today it is established as the preeminent journal of natural wine in France. The writers organize blind “coup de coeur tastings” to which they bring miscellaneous and often little-known bottles that they have collected. If the committee approves, they select and feature one or several cuvées from the estate that it comes from. After such a tasting, R&B fell in love with a bottle of Cru Vinsobres from Domaine Serre Besson. They went to visit winemakers Victor Taylor and Xavier Nyssen to write this article and then feature all 4 of their cuvées. The article pens the story of a dream of a sommelier to “transport to the other side of the mirror” to become a winemaker. It describes Victor and Xavier’s “very successful reconversion” of 4 hectares in Vinsobres they purchased in 2012, of the property, the vineyards, the stone farmhouse and of their formative journey to becoming winemakers and members of the community. A delightful quote from the tasting notes cites one of the tasters describing the Cru Vinsobres 2019 : “On sent dans ce vin ‘la patte’ de vinificateur doué” “One feels in this wine ‘the hand’ of a gifted winemaker” It is indeed a touching and heartwarming article Another very high accolade, Victor and Xavier have just been awarded the gold medal for the same cuvée Cru Vinsobres 2019 at Millésime Bio 2023 in Montpellier, the largest organic wine fair in the world. Félicitations!